With the COVID-19 pandemic, employees are looking for more when it comes to their workday, especially when many are working from home now. Not necessarily more money or more benefits (although those are important), but more fulfillment. It’s normal for an employee to want to know their work matters; to feel valued and like they’re making a difference.
How can your business offer that when your only interaction is through a Zoom meeting? By reinforcing a strong company culture that exceeds the walls of your office. Your culture sets you apart from other employers, either in a good way or maybe not-so-good way. How can you ensure a company culture that has employees (and clients) sticking by you? Here’s five ways.
1. Reestablish your values.
The culture is what defines your company. Within that culture lies your core values; however, unless you’re following through with them, they are worthless. The only thing worse than a company with no values is one where the values are meaningless. Share the things that mean the most to your business with your employees. Show them why these things matter and illustrate how they, as an individual, fit into the mix.
2. Listen to your current employees.
Given the current situation, it’s important to retain the employees you already have. Try sending out staff questionnaires or surveys about the current culture to see how team members are feeling, then (drum roll) listen to what they actually say.
If you prove to your employees that their opinions matter, they will be more likely to stay with the company, enjoy their work and recommend the business to others. Not only that, but the positivity from an employee who feels valued will contribute to a positive company culture overall.
3. Build a team mentality.
It can be so easy for employees to lose motivation, especially while many are in the confines of their own homes for what feels like forever. How can you counteract this? Develop a goal that your entire team can get excited about. Build up the idea of “we’re all in this together” (think High School Musical). You are all part of the same team, with each member doing his or her part towards the ultimate goal.
Every person wants to feel important to the organization. By building up a team mentality for your company, you create a culture of unity and community. From here, you will be able to see who’s a team player and who’s not, by those supporting the company and fellow coworkers.
4. Check on your team.
It can be easy to assume that, since your team is working from home, their workday is a breeze. While some of them may be thriving, there are others that may be struggling. Especially your extroverts. Have regular chats with your team and figure out how they are feeling and be prepared to help with any struggles.
By having regular communication with your team, they will feel that they’re appreciated and cared about. It’s also a great way to stay in touch with everyone while social distancing and working from home are the norm.
5. Have some fun.
You heard that right. Have some fun! While this may look different for every business, don’t be afraid to shake things up a bit every now and then. Now matter what you decide, there is always some way to encourage employees to engage in activities that feel less like work and more like a day off. Whether it’s a virtual happy hour or a Netflix party, a little relaxation can go a long way in building a consistent company culture.
When it comes to furthering your business, there are few things that are more important than the employees who work for it. Hold on to your talented employees and create an employee-friendly environment that is shared between the physical office and the home. Your company culture is your saving grace even during these unusual circumstances, but when your culture thrives, so will your business.